Tim and Ramie

Several years ago, two nomadic spirits found each other. They both had some useful skills in the "real world" (Tim as a building contractor, and Ramie, a school counselor and community mobilizer,) but they always seemed to march to the beat of a different drummer.
Within a couple weeks of returning from a school break, Tim could accurately predict when Ramie would soon start planning the couple's next road trip in their 19' Airstream Bambi. This went on for several years, until 2011, when they made a commitment to live full-time "on the road."
They eventually sold their house and gave away most of their possessions. They have not looked back since.
In addition to travel, Tim is passionate about food. The man can cook! Ramie is happiest with a camera in her grasp. They have each traveled to 49 of the 50 states.
In the summer of 2015, the elusive Alaska was within their travel sights. First they made their annual visit to Tim's parents' home in northern Michigan, only to find them both with a health crisis. Tim's father, Leo, died ten days later and his mother, Norma, was diagnosed with cancer that same week.
Tim and Ramie's lives changed forever that week. What followed is well documented on this site.